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Peace offers one Sunday morning worship experience at 10 a.m.

In person and live at our Facebook page.

On-site includes "Holy Buzz" refreshments and gentle conversation, before and after worship.

The worship event is also posted as a recording at YouTube Peace Lutheran Church

Thursday Evening Contemplative Prayer is offered each week at 6:15 p.m. (in person)

Our Mission ... Creating Christ-Connected Community


Current Happenings, Including Ash Wednesday Observances, March 5

Changes to Worship Schedule,

Thursday Evening Prayer, Thursday Supper, and other news!

Who's welcome here? Everyone!

Blessing the ground

Peace is an inclusive community open to all regardless of ability, age, church experience, color of one's skin, birthplace, creed, cultural background, gender identity, political bias or sexual orientation. One's presence is all that is needed to participate in the life of Peace.

Who are we? A Water Family ...

In the freeing, living waters of baptism, we are joined to Christ and to one another as brothers and sisters called to be servants of God's grace in the world.

The community life of Peace is grounded in worship and dedicated to being active in mission, celebrating, learning, and sharing the love of God in Christ Jesus. Peace is a growing and generous congregation that offers a sense of belonging and friendship filled with a great spirit of cooperation and support.

Established in 1969, Peace is an active member of the Northwestern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Where are we? Bowling Green, Ohio ...

Peace Church is located at 1021 West Wooster Street, near the corner of West Wooster and Martindale, with our south entrance and additional parking at the corner of Pearl and Martindale. Peace is just west of Wood County hospital and next door to the fire station (click here for a map).

Worship ...

stained glass window (© Suncreek UMC) depicting bread and chaliceWorship is primary and central to the community life at Peace. It is a sacred time to connect with God's Spirit and one another. Worship at Peace is casual and uplifting. It celebrates God's love for all and it builds one another up for Christ's sake in the world.

Holy Communion, where bread is broken, wine is poured and the Lord's meal is shared, is celebrated each week at each service. It is open to all. Even to those streaming!

There are no requirements, restrictions or judgement on whether you participate or not!

The Peace Band has five members under the direction of Jason Wells-Jensen, singer and bass guitar primarily. He along with Sheri, Anne, Scott and Drew help to lead worship every Sunday at Peace Lutheran Church, using an eclectic assortment of musical styles (blues, jazz, old-timey, pop, reggae, rock, "world" ...) and instruments (bass, drums, guitar, piano, banjo, congas, djembe, doumbek, pennywhistle, rainstick, ukulele ...). In addition, the band performs for special events at Peace, such as the Community Harvest Dinner (a free fall event), and the Community Yard Sale. The band (in whole or in part) occasionally performs elsewhere as well, including Bowling Green State University events, Black Swamp Arts Festival, Grande Royale Ükulelists of the Black Swamp (GRÜBS), farmers markets, weddings, funerals and more.

Everyone is welcome at worship, from the youngest and most energetic to the more slow and steady in pace!

For those who choose, a nursery for the wee ones is available but is not staffed. You are welcome to play in there with your children during worship if needed.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (419-352-0241 or

You are welcome here!


Pastor Debbie Conklin

Stained glass window image © Suncreek United Methodist Church, used with permission.

This page updated 8/18/2024.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please send us feedback.