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A daily reflection and prayer (the Daily Touch) is posted at our facebook page,
the link is on the left!
It is sent to the Peace e-list as well. Not on the list and want to be?
Send your request and email to Pastor Debbie.
The PEACE COMMUNITY GARDEN is wrapped up for another successful year.
Dozens of neighbors, friends, and others from the community benefited from the fresh produce provided for the picking!
Bruce Kidder, our master gardener, is already at work making plans for next year!
The people of Peace are happy and grateful for the opportunity to serve the community this way!
Check out the Solar Picnic Table near the garden.
Feel free to plug in and charge up your devices or play a happy tune!
One Sunday morning worship experience at 10 a.m.
In person and broadcasted live at our Facebook page.
A Thursday Evening Contemplative Prayer Service at 6:15 p.m. [returns September 26] A half hour of prayer, silence, song and communion.
Midweek Supper Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. [returns Sept 26] Simple, vegetarian friendly supper and gentle conversation. Wine is known to be served!
Attendance at one or the other is not required for the other!
There are no requirements, no restrictions or judgement placed on what you participate in or not. You are truly welcome to come as you are able and stay as long as you like!
Special Offering Designations are offered by the Share Team throughout the year to offer thanks for God’s kindness and generosity toward us, and to participate in God’s desire for a just and loving world.
November: ELCA Hunger Fund ELCA Hunger Appeal,
Nearly 1-in-10 people – 733 million – in our world are hungry. We are called to respond. The ELCA church working with and through its congregations, in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Lutheran churches overseas and other partners, ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need.
From health clinics to microloans, water wells to animal husbandry, community meals to advocacy, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger make it possible for the ELCA to respond for the long term, supporting sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty.
Hunger facts: Extreme poverty – living under $2.15 per day – affects 700 million people.
In the U.S., 37.9 million people live in poverty and 18 million people are food insecure, an increase of 1 million between 2022 and 2023.
Climate change, means 3.6 billion people live at risk of climate-caused disaster, risking their lives, raising the cost of living, and major contribution to human migration.
Donations can be sent to: Peace, 1021 W. Wooster, Bowling Green OH 43402. Make checks payable to Peace and put ELCA Hunger Appeal on the memo line.
ON-GOING: All non-perishable food and hygiene items welcomed. Old cell phones may be donated to help fund services for the Cocoon Shelter. Place items in the blue tub under table near north door in the church lobby.
Prayer Requests / Ministry
Please keep in mind Patient Privacy Act precludes hospitals or other care facilities to contact Pastor Debbie without your permission. Please include her as a contact on your registration so that she may be notified.
Those requesting prayer are asked to notify Pastor Debbie by calling 419-266-5865 or emailing With permission, she will include them in the Sunday Weekly Notes and Prayers for the People at worship. If desired, she will also share them with the Prayer Wheel Ministry, a confidential email list.
To join this ministry, please contact Pastor Debbie.
Holy God, help us to be quick to understand and eager to assist where we can. Let no one in our midst celebrate without companions, grieve without consolation, sin without mercy, suffer without loving care, live without respect, hunger without food, or die without being tended with love and surrounded by prayer. Amen.
Upon applicaton and approval, Peace Church has been awarded Cool Congregation Status by Interfaith Power & Light for reducing our carbon output by 30%. This was a result o four solar panel installation and our change to LED lighting. A framed certificate is displayed near our south entrance.
You can monitor our solar panel performance in real time online, and you can learn more about Cool Congregations across the country at The mission of Interfaith Power & Light is to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. This campaign intends to protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard the health of all Creation, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.
Check out the roof of Peace Church on the east end of the south side: We have solar panels up there!
They look really great and they are operating great as well. You can monitor via a computer app each panel's production and whether there are any failings or concerns. We expect to see as much as a 25-percent savings in our utility bills, which we will be able to apply to ministry!
This project was made possible with the gift we received from the Leonard and Margaret Davis trust and was one of four environmental projects. They proclaim God's resourcefulness and generosity by embracing and practicing good creation care, doing what we can to lower our carbon footprint, reduce our negative impact on the environment, and promote this calling to the larger community in a positve and inviting manner.
Approximately $40,000 is accomplishing this effort in four ways. We have:
- Partnered with Ohio Interfaith Power and Light and Energy Stewards to monitor and analyze our energy use. (This is an ongoing effort.)
- Upgraded our facility to LED lighting.
- Purchased a picnic table equipped with solar-powered lighting and electric outlets.
- Installed solar panels on the south side to both promote and practice energy efficiency.
Other projects made possible by the trust gift include new playground equipment, sponsorship of a Syrian refugee family, and debt reduction.
Thanks be to God for generous neighbors and for granting us a vision to keep striving to Create Christ-Connected Community!
Our web/communications team will continue taking occasional pictures of our sharing, learning and celebrating Christ. Some of these will find their way to the Peace web site and other printed publications. If you would like not to be included, please advise Pastor Debbie.
Wireless High-Speed Internet is available within the church building for anyone to use. Enjoy!
Peace Email List
Are you currently on the Peace email list? If you've received an e-note from Pastor Debbie in the last month the answer is yes. If not, please forward your address to her at: and get on the list for timely updates and requests.
This page updated 2/15/2021.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please send us feedback.