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January, 2008 -- Building photos updated!
New (and old) Photos of the recently-completed building project are available on our web site.
January, 2008 -- Exterior Signs Installed!
Thanks to the recent mild winter days, Century Signs was able to install our exterior signs. This leaves only the completion of grass seeding in the spring and the building expansion project will be duly completed!
When the Promotion Team was designing the sign, the logo was considered a prominent part of it. Nearly five years ago the Promotion Team invited the congregation to offer logo ideas to reflect our vision and mission to be a people thankful for God’s unconditional love shown in Christ and a people wanting to share and receive Christ’s love with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, the Bowling Green community and the global community.
Karen Saneholtz, a member of Peace with artistic talents, came up with the concept that under the Team’s advisement evolved into our logo portraying Peace as a people, centered in Christ, celebrating and reaching out to embrace and build community. Is this the reality you experience at Peace? If so, pass it on – tell others! If not, please pray, consider and share ideas with the leadership of Peace to make it be so! Thank you!
December 2, 2007 -- Building Expansion Dedication
Sunday, December 2, we dedicated our Building Project Expansion to God for the Gospel’s Sake and the Ministry God has in mind for us! Many came to worship and offer thanks to God’s for God’s gift of space and mission to the people of Peace Lutheran Church.
Bishop Marcus Lohrmann of the Northwestern Ohio Synod of the ELCA preached and chatted with folks during the reception following worship.
This project has been successfully completed first and foremost with God’s abundant grace which prompted and encouraged many, many hours of work by many, many folks, called forth the sharing of our dollars and resources, elicited more prayers than we could begin to count, and sparked our imaginations as we continue to remember and be inspired by Pat and Doug’s energy and vision. In Christ, their spirits join in the celebration!
Greetings from Pastor Bob Wietelmann
Dear Pastor Conklin and Members of Peace Lutheran Church,
May the Lord bless you with grace, joy, peace and thanksgiving as you dedicate your expanded facilities to His glory and service. It has been more than a few years since the beginnings of Peace Congregation and you have faithfully continued to carry out the Gospel mission in various ways. May the blessings of this day strengthen your resolve to keep growing in the Lord Jesus, happy and grateful for the privilege of being His witness in a world in need of His love.
Pastor Bob Wietelmann and Phyllis (Pastor Wietelmann was Bishop of the American Lutheran Church at the time Peace was organized in 1968)
Check out pictures of the building progress on the story net in the Garden Room and on our photo page.
Recent Construction and Building Expansion Teams meeting notes are also posted on the story net – any questions? Feel free to contact Construction Liaison Gene Nagel or BET chairperson Dave Saneholtz.
Thank you, water family, for your faithful response. Keep in mind, it helps accounting very much when you use separate checks and blue envelopes for the framework giving. See Pastor Debbie if you need envelopes. And, as always: Keep watching for updates and please, keep praying!
November 25, 2007
Progress notes: The garden room and fellowship hall carpets have been cleaned and the new tile floors will be stripped and waxed Monday, Nov. 26. The lobby floor has been repaired, the wall has been built for the new sign, the mail is now being delivered to 1021 W. Wooster, and we are nearing our Dedication Ceremony! Thank you everyone for your efforts and your gifts of time and treasure!
November 11, 2007
Progress notes: On Saturday, November 3, Dean Kuhlman, our primary contractor, leveled the topsoil and with that completed his daily work! A couple items remain to be finished by the flooring sub-contractors, and sign installation is scheduled for mid-late November. Grass seeding will be completed in the spring along with a bit more landscaping.
The Building Expansion Team met on Monday, Nov. 5, to do a final overview of the project. The Team will meet one final time in December to evaluate the process and celebrate its work! Facility issues are now in the hands and minds of the Facility Team. The Construction Team walked through the project with contractor and architect Gary Ungerer for its final meeting and review of project on Friday, Nov. 9.
With the exception of an odd and end here and there – the Expansion Project is complete! Peace passed its final building inspection and has been issued its official Certificate of Occupancy!
October 28, 2007
Progress notes: The Expansion Project is near completion! Furnishings recently purchased from Ikea are in place and the few remaining items (i.e. center lobby light, mats, serving table) will be finding their way here in the next couple weeks. The new sanctuary carpet is to be installed early next week.
All the landscaping has been planted, however the season is past for planting grass so this will not occur until spring.
In the next couple of weeks the monument sign on the corner of Martindale and W. Wooster will be constructed with signage installed soon after. The Worship and Promotion Teams are busy planning for Dedication Sunday and Open House - Invite your friends and neighbors!
October 21, 2007
Progress notes: Dry-walling is done, furnishings purchased, landscaping is complete for fall, painting near done, lobby and nursery ceiling and floor tiles in the works for this coming week, patio is colored (sealer to come and front porch coloring early in the week) and sanctuary carpet is scheduled for week of October 28!
Besides all this activity, signage is being finalized for the south exterior wall near patio and the monument sign on the corner of Martindale and West Wooster, and the Worship and Promotion Teams are busy planning for Dedication Sunday and Open House - Invite your friends and neighbors!
This morning, the people of Peace offer praise and thanksgiving to God as they recognize with great joy the dedication and conscientious work of the Building Expansion and Interior Design Teams. In a word, Thank You:
Dave Johnston - Rachelle Johnston - Rob Kleine - Jan Materni - Doug Meyer - Esther Nagel - Gene Nagel - Dave Saneholtz - Karen Saneholtz - Joy Sidwell - Sandy Strausbaugh - Joan Vogt - Pastor Debbie Conklin
Ad hoc member: Phyllis Lewis, who kept the place as tidy as possible!
Sound System Upgrade
The people of Peace also lift their voices in praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of the sound system upgrade by Gary Ungerer to honor the memory of his wife, and our sister in Christ, Pat, who we trust delights in knowing that this gift was chosen and given so as to allow the musicians of Peace Church continue offering their talents to the Glory of Our Lord. Again, in a word, Thank you!
October 14, 2007
This week has been a buzz with activity: Dry wall has been hung, stamped concrete (coloring to follow), lobby air return moved, south masonry completed, lobby prepared for new flooring, woodwork painted and more!
North Branch will be installing their part of the landscape plan design soon. Our planting of items purchased with Thrivent grant is scheduled for Saturday, October 20 – beginning at 9 a.m. Your help is needed! Bring rakes and shovels and good cheer!!!
New interior and exterior doors are installed. With the exception of Pastor Debbie’s study door, your current key should work in all locks, including exterior door – if not let Pastor Debbie know.
Sunday, October 21 as the 9:30 worship concludes (near 10:40 a.m. – 11:00 worshippers please come early!) Pastor Debbie will lead Peace in recognition of and thanks-giving for the Building Expansion and Interior Design Teams!
October 7, 2007
WOW! Likely your impression when you entered church. The lobby is open. There are still items to be completed: drywall / flooring / lighting – but it is open and fabulous!
Landscaping is soon to begin. North Branch will be installing their part of the plan design by Andrea (Shoup) Coe soon after south side walk is completed and our planting using Thrivent grant dollars is scheduled for Saturday, October 20 – beginning at 9 a.m. Your help is needed and appreciated! Bring rakes and shovels!!!
New interior and exterior doors have been installed. While the exterior doors are not yet keyed for our current keys – the interior doors with the exception of pastor’s study are. However, we have discovered that some keys are not working – if that is your case, please let Pastor Debbie know. New keys will be coming.
The boxes stacked up in pastor’s new study testify that she has indeed vacated her old study!
September 30, 2007
Recent Construction and Building Expansion Team meeting notes are posted on the story net in the garden room. Any questions? Feel free to contact Construction Liaison Gene Nagel or BET chairperson Dave Saneholtz.
Landscape design by Andrea (Shoup) Coe of North Branch Nursery has been finalized and approved by the Building Expansion Team. The balance of our Thrivent grant will be used as planned to purchase plants for the people of Peace to plant – tentative date for planting Saturday, October 20. The porch and patio stamped and colored concrete work is scheduled to begin Friday.
Framing work continues on the south side and will likely prohibit south access to the building during the week. The north side can be used, including the parking lot. If the door is locked, please contact Pastor Debbie at 419-266-5865 for key location. Once new doors are installed on the south side, the exterior and work office doors will be set for our present key.
Pastor continues to make progress moving out of her old study – she is working from her new study now and has begun to park on the north side.
Thanks to all who helped spruce up the sanctuary – your hard work got the job done in a day – hurray! With the relocation of the sound and video equipment now finished, and the carpet installation to be done soon, the sanctuary renovation will be completed.
September 23, 2007
Dollars from Thrivent for paint and dedicated laborers from Peace have spruced up the sanctuary! Thanks to all who helped – your hard work got the job done in a day – hurray! With the relocation of the sound and video equipment next week, and the carpet installation a few weeks later, the sanctuary renovation will be completed.
Work will continue on the south side this week and it will likely limit our access to the building from that side. The north side can be used, including the parking lot. If the door is locked, please contact Pastor Debbie for key location. Once new doors are installed on the south side, the exterior and work office doors will be set for our present key.
Sometime this week, power will be off overnight as the new breaker box is installed. Check with Pastor Debbie or Gene Nagel prior to any scheduled activity this week.
The work office is operational. Feel free to use as needed. Pastor hopes to move into her new study this week.
September 9, 2007
Thanks to Thrivent's Care for Congregation Program, the Interior Design and Building Expansion Teams have planned a sprucing up in the sanctuary to complement the new carpet being installed as part of the building expansion. The $1,300 grant will be used for purchase of paint and new window trim in the worship space (garden area remains the same) and paint for the fellowship hall to match the new kitchen area. This grant provides materials - we must provide the labor! Your painting help is needed! Saturday, September 22, 9 a.m.
It is unlikely that the entire grant will be needed for this project. The balance will be applied to landscaping or other areas where the congregation can participate in the work.
August 19, 2007
The Interior Design, Construction and Building Expansion Teams continue to work as construction progresses. BET recently approved IDT's interior recommendations. Check out the new look on the material/color display board in the lobby. Scheduled roofing and masonry are finished, as is the wall painting of the new kitchen, east room, and pastor's new study. Ceilings are expected in next week and renovations to the nursery and south lobby expansion should begin in a couple of weeks. Work continues on the expanded north parking area. The kitchen area should be ready in a couple weeks. Till then, we continue to use disposable communion cups and cups for hot and cold beverages.
August 12, 2007
The Interior Design Team met with BET last Sunday to review the IDT's recommendations for flooring and wall color. BET approved them with enthusiasm and unanimously! Good job, Interior Design -- thank you!
See the material/color display near the story net in the garden room to check out the 'new look'. As previously noted and expected we are without working plumbing in the kitchen area so we continue to use disposable communion cups and beverage cups.
August 5, 2007
Drywall work continued last week as well as shingling and roof touch up. The Construction and Building Expansion Teams have begun to post meeting notes on the story net in the Garden Room near sanctuary – any questions? Feel free to contact Construction Liaison, Gene Nagel or BET chairperson, Dave Saneholtz.
The Interior Design Team will be making its recommendations for flooring and wall color to the BET; results of the meeting and (if approved) selections will soon be displayed!
As expected, the kitchen area is still without working plumbing so we will continue to use disposable communion cups and paper cups for coffee.
There's still plenty of room on the temporary hall wall for anyone to add some artwork or an encouraging comment. Markers are in the pot on the table near the bulletin board.
July 29, 2007
New doors, windows and drywall have all been recently installed, as have new roof shingles! Still without working plumbing in the kitchen, but that did not keep Peace from hosting over 100 people for a luncheon following Doug's Celebration of Life service on Saturday! With the lack of plumbing we've begun using paper cups for coffee until we have kitchen plumbing again!
July 22, 2007
As reported last week, the framing for the refurbished kitchen is in place, and that's about all that remains of the kitchen! Everything including the tile has been removed -- be sure and check it out -- it's amazing to see. The old kitchen has been temporarily moved to the north wall. Don't let the faucet on the sink fool you -- there is no plumbing, but Gene has put a couple buckets in the cupboard under the drains so we can still use the sinks if needed. With this in mind, we'll begin using paper cups for coffee until we have indoor plumbing again!
July 15, 2007
The temporary hall wall remains while the new expanded north entrance is being completed. There are markers on the table near the bulletin board for anyone to add some artwork or an encouraging word to the wall.
The framing for the refurbished kitchen, the new accessible family restroom, and the nursery have been installed. Two new doorways have been cut at the east end of the building, one as the new entrance to the mechanical room and the other to the new addition.
Speaking of mechanicals, four new heating/cooling units have been installed. Only the sanctuary units are up and running. The other two should be operational later this week. The north drive is stoned and can be parked on, paving to occur once the south side parking expansion is readied. New windows are in place in the additions!
July 8, 2007
The original north side glass wall in the lobby has been removed. A temporary wall is in its place while the new expanded entrance is being completed. Once completed the work on the lobby south side expansion will begin. There are markers on the table near the bulletin board for anyone to add some artwork or an encouraging word to the wall.
The framing for the refurbished kitchen has been installed. It will be a while yet before cabinets and counter tops are put in. The framing for the new fully accessible family restroom is going up too. And soon two new doors will be installed in the nursery area, one as the new entrance to the mechanical room and the other to the new addition.
The north drive is stoned and can be parked on, paving to occur once the south side parking expansion is readied.
June 24, 2007
The original north side glass wall has been dismantled and the framing of the new extension on the north side and the new offices is all in place. The temporary wall in the lobby will remain in place until the north extension is completed. Folks of all ages are invited to add appropriate comments and artwork to the wall. Markers are on the table near the bulletin board.
The framing and other prep work has been completed for the roofers who are expected on site this coming week.
June 17, 2007
Another wall has gone up -- albeit temporarily! It is there to keep the elements out while the glass wall is dismantled and the north extension of the lobby is finished. As promised, youngsters of all ages are invited to add appropriate comments and artwork to the wall. (Special thanks to Rachelle, Eric, and John for giving the wall a swift coat of whitewash as a backdrop for your creations and comments.) Markers are on the table near the bulletin board.
You are welcome to check out the progress of the construction -- but please be careful.
June 10, 2007
While no walls have been removed yet, some new ones have gone up! The new meeting/learning space on the east end of the building and the new office and pastor study framework is in place.
June 3, 2007
Trees came down a couple weeks ago and if all goes according to schedule a wall may be tumbling down soon. The north glass wall and door will soon be replaced with a bracing wall that Dean Kuhlman says will be perfect for young drawing / painting projects. Pastor will see that there is a supply of markers on hand to add your artistic mark.
Unfortunately, there was an injury this week, but it has proven not to serious and the worker is expected back this week. He fell off of scaffolding about six feet while dismantling the over hang above the north lobby door. Help was quick to come as our neighbors (EMT's ) were the first responders – lights flashing and all!
May 13, 2007
Construction has begun in earnest as the dirt piles, pulled trees and heavy equipment testify! Everyone's help is needed to keep the work area safe - and with the exception of the workers - off limits. Sorry kids, just like polar bears, the machinery can be admired from a distance but can't be touched! And, as always -- Keep praying!
April 15, 2007 -- Ground blessing!
Peace Lutheran Church folks, friends and special guests gathered to place the start of the Construction Phase of Furthering the Framework in the right spirit, giving thanks to God with joyful worship filled with music, message and the meal.
Pastor Ray Gottschling (Assistant to Bishop Marcus Lohrmann, Northwest Ohio Synod, ELCA) and Mayor John Quinn of Bowling Green each shared congratulatory words of support and encouragement.
Immediately following their comments those gathered were led outside to join in the Ground Blessing which began with the youngsters sprinkling the ground with holy-water. This was followed by the gentle reminder that the building expansion is about mission building and that the brick and mortar, glass and walls, asphalt and sidewalk improvements are not ends but means to attract (catch) others into the Christ-Connected Community that Peace is about.
A large net was then stretched out, grabbed at the ends by all and then cast over the blessed ground to demonstrate God's Spirit claim on this space and project for the sake of creating community to worship, discover and serve God's grace in this place.
Greetings from Pastor Dennis Maurer
Members of Peace,
Our Sisters and Brothers in Tanzania have a phrase to use on a day like today. They shout out Bwana Asifiwe! Praise the Lord! Even so I give my thanks and praise to God for your faith and faithfulness that has brought you thus far - to the point of breaking ground for expanding not just your building, but your ministry. I wish I could be there this day to experience your joy first hand and to see the plans and the changes that are already taking place. But though I will be leading worship elsewhere today, please know that you will be in my prayers. May the Lord continue to bless your mission and ministry with much fruitfulness. May you always be a reconciling witness to the love of God in NW Ohio. And may Christ Jesus' cross and resurrection always be your center and hope.
Bwana Asifiwe!
Your Coworker in the Gospel,
Pr. Dennis Maurer,
Assistant to the Bishop
NW Ohio Synod, ELCA
March 18, 2007
On March 4th, the following recommendations were unanimously approved at the Congregational Meeting:
- Adoption of final plans
- Selection of contractor, Kuhlman Builders, Ottawa
- Selection of Mel Lanzer, Napoleon as alternate (on the occasion that Kuhlman's bid becomes untenable)
- Secure a loan from the ELCA Mission Investment fund for an amount not to exceed $370,000 for a maximum of 25 year
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please send us feedback.